31 May 2010

8 days, 2 hrs and 20 mins to go.....

Ok, so to declare that I am counting the time it is fair to say an understatement. Football fever has hit the country again to the point where there is no hope but to just join on in and count each and every second. Maccas have the glasses...Sony have the tele's....Hahn have a free bag with every two cartons.... There is just simply no escaping it!

The weekend gone presented an opportunity for the boss and I to perform a sanity check and a practice pack. Which bags, how many shirts, but this doesn't go with this or that, do we really need them? Funny, due to a sudden burst of efficiency at one point I was elated in that it appeared that the baggage carrying had become not so much a burden but a pleasure....but then the echo around the house appeared...I'll just buy it over there, I'll just buy it over there. Oh well, the burden is only half as bad and become a 1 way journey. Sadly in the process of investigation for the implementation of "Plan B" (Project Spend Less), one discovered that banks now have world wide partners and that cards can be replaced in an instant. Travellers cheques anyone?

Some excellent news out of Asia this morning with the Matilda's winning the Asian Cup. Whilst the qualification for the game guaranteed a World Cup berth, the winning of a tournament by any national team, is in my eyes a significant step in world football for our country as a whole. I have been fortunate enough to see some of these girls progress over the last few years, and it is a credit to not only themselves as players but the FFA and subsequent associations to provide a pathway of some equivalence to their male counterparts.

So now to the next installment of the Socceroos adventure...South Africa is the event, Denmark is the opponent. Let's see how the team has progressed since the practice game against New Zealand...remember, don't say the "F" word! ("friendly" for those that have disassociated themselves with the Socceroos fanfare)

8 days, 2 hrs. Join in if you know the words, "99 bottles of Jim on the wall, 99 bottles of Jim...."

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The Frank Arok Express Germany 2006

The Frank Arok Express Germany 2006
Bar and Disco Carriage...All aboard!